Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Prepare

If a earthquake were to strike Charleston today, the damage and devastation caused could be even greater than that of 1886. However, we have the knowledge and technology to prepare for such a disaster.
1. Prepare Your Home:
Lights, ceiling fans, and other heavy objects located at high heights should be secured as to prevent falling if shaking were to occur. This is especially true for such objects located above sleeping areas. Water heaters should be strapped to the walls and electrical wiring should be checked for defects regularly, to prevent fires in the event of a quake.

2. Make a Earthquake Kit
This would include a flashlight and battery powered radio for use in a power loss. Drinking water and nonperishable foods that do not require cooking should also be included in the kit. Also, a fire extinguisher and first aid kit are necessary items. This kit should be able to provide you and your family for 72 hours, at the least.

3. Develop a plan
In case of an earthquake, know what to do. Preparation is the best and really only way to prevent damage. In the event of an earthquake, the first and most important thing to do is remain calm. If you are inside, stay inside and if you are outside, stay outside. Most of the deaths from the 1886 quake were caused by people running outside and getting struck by falling building material. Next, take cover. Desks, tables, supported doorways, or inside walls are best for this. If outdoors, move away from buildings and utility wires. Try to get out in the open and stay there. If in a car, stop carefully but remain inside the car.

After the quake:
Remain calm. Avoid the use of candles or other flame contained objects in case of a gas leak. Check for any injuries among yourself or the people you are with. Be aware there may be aftershocks, which are additional earthquake shocks. When possible, check your utilities and sewage lines to make sure everything is in proper order, and there are no serious leaks that could cause damage or injury.

Charleston County Emergency Preparedness: 843-202-7400
Charleston Co. Sheriff: Call 911 for emergencies
Project Impact: 843-202-6940

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